

By Elise Benito (Spring ’09)
From her FB Notes dated May 24, 2010

Elise is a BA Communication Arts student at the University of the Philippines Los Baños.

this isThis is for every mother who couldn’t do anything but surrender.
This is for every daughter who kept quiet.
This is for every sister who had no idea.
This is for every niece who trusted and got disappointed.
This is for every young girl who never knew what was coming
This is for every lady who was taken advantage of.
This is for every grandmother who hid her past for all these years.
This is for every woman and all the pain she ever felt inside and out.

I know how he looked at you at places he was not allowed to. I know how he stared at you when you were fast asleep. I know how he touched you in ways that satisfied his deepest desires. I know how your plea for him to stop was not enough. I know how he caressed you for his own pleasure. I know how he took it away.

He hurt you.

I know how he took almost everything from you. And the four walls that surrounded you were not enough to protect you from it.

I don’t just know all these. I understand.

I understand the shame of losing the thing you kept safe for all these years. I understand the pain hidden inside your heart. I understand the way your eyes look down whenever you smile. And that smile you give, I understand the sorrow behind it.

I understand you.

I know and I understand everything. But it’s you I am more concerned about. Listen to me. Believe me when I say;
You can trust. Not all men are like him. Not all men will hurt you. There are men who will protect you. You are not alone. Women in your life will always be there for you and will never, ever, let you be harmed again.

Pray. Pray without ceasing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:17


You are loved.

Last Updated on October 12, 2016 by Tudla_Admin