From Dearest

random post taken from one of “Dearest” entries
author unknown

friend in silenceWhat goes now?
Who goes now?
And who weeps a little?
Was it the moment in the night
When you came and we both speak in silence.

Those eyes speak enough of truth
You told me I was born of an idea
I was an idea, still I am?

But then in silence you know
You are the reality . . .
Now beyond reach
Now too close like a heartbeat

Come now?
Did I ever understand
The pain
The fall
Your silence . . .
Who ever did among them
Who knew but could not
Break apart the maddening
Shell of silence?

The weird
the loner
the stranger
the slave
You and I

What more?
What next?
What now?
Somehow the meaning has to go
No, just go but not die . . .

I would always remember those eyes
Seeking for the pain in me
I told you, there is also pain
In too much tenderness

Tomorrow when we happen to meet
I hope to sing you another song
Build you another dream

But let us talk again . . .  in silence

Last Updated on October 12, 2016 by Tudla_Admin