Growing big by being small, so to speak. Besides, when government accepts responsibility for people oftentimes people no longer take responsibility for themselves. But you’ve just pulled out the first big surprise in this interview, that you do have learned to speak the language of those who say “le weekend” and “le burger.”
Quelle horreur! If the Parisians hear those words you’ll be vanished from Paris. While French in general love their language and would recoil in horror hearing “le weekend” and “le burger,” Parisians truly love to keep the purity of the language. As a matter of fact Paris suburbanites have their own accent, and could be really snobbish about it. Even my French friends from the north get snobbed when visiting at Paris since they have a regional accent, so can you imagine the average tourist (American or not) visiting there? But it’s all how you behave and respect the local culture. I get nothing but warm reception because “Je suis de l’etranger” who speaks their language, and they are very appreciative of that. But like anything else – for the younger crowd who wants to be hip – “le fin de semaine” is out and hanging out at MacDo for le burger – c’est tres cool!

What made you jump seed and take up the keyboard?
The events of the 9/11 tragedies profoundly affected my decision to shift careers as it agitated the travel system here in the US and in the world. However it’s a distillation of all other factors too – the relocation of our main research station, my Father’s declining health, my increasing detestation of travel as I did both locally and internationally for management and research meetings, and the actual hassles at the airports regarding perceived or real security threats. Even with a full-time job I was doing part-time network consulting on the weekends back then, and it naturally flowed to that direction when I decided I had enough of working for other people and putting up with the travel hassles. It’s not for the faint-hearted though to jump off-board, as we are all creatures of comfort and will put up with the monotony of everyday existence than confront everyday challenges. You got to have that fire in the belly so to speak and opportunities abound where the feisty individual seeks them.

I can agree. Knowledge is power but enthusiasm pulls the switch.
Amen to that!

Alvin Tofler said that the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and re-learn. I guess this has applied to you (even if you have not read him which, I guess you have).
The classroom can be confining, literally, with its four walls. (By the way, Toffler’s Future Shock was required reading at Soc Sci 2 in my time at UPLB). There’s so much outside in the real world, and if you act as a dry sponge there’s an unlimited spring of knowledge you can absorb. I still learn everyday (I do know a lot of things but I don’t profess to know everything). I was very intellectual in my pursuits before, but when I got involved in physical pursuits with triathlons there’s so much to learn with nutrition, physiology, training efficiently etc. This was for a single goal to test your endurance – to prevent bonking out or hitting the wall (when you just basically tire out and cannot take another stroke or stride or pedal). With limited time you have to train smartly; remember – even in your work – always work smarter not harder. Exact same thing applies in training, as I could get a good workout in 30 minutes versus 3 hours.

When I finally had the chance to discover scuba diving in Australia (after a couple of previous trips there) I discovered another world of existence. Bottom line – whatever you do you can learn and have fun at the same time. I had lived over the years with all different types of roommates of different nationalities (French, Irish, Scottish, local Americans white or black) and religious persuasions (Muslim or Jew or Catholic), and learned a lot from each and every one of them. Everyone has something to offer in this world, and if we have that attitude the world will definitely be better off.

Roger that. If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others.
Amen again.

Last Updated on April 11, 2021 by Tudla_Admin